The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell
Book: The Last Magician
Author: Lisa Maxwell
My rating: 9/10
I attained an ARC of this at Yallwest not even knowing what it was but OMG. This was an amazing read. Definitely a new favorite whose sequel I cannot wait to read.
The writing keeps you in the story quite well, it does need some grammatical editing that I would assume will be fixed in the final published version (EDIT: I have my finished copy and the errors have all been fixed!). I loved the multidimensional characters, the fun historical setting, and the twisting/keep- you-on-your-toes plot. Who doesn't love time travel, magic, thieves, and heists? Just go, go read this amazing not-so-little book.
If you want to enter the contest to win book related swag for The Last Magician and its upcoming sequel, The Devil's Thief, follow the link below!
#devilsthief #thelastmagician
Author: Lisa Maxwell
My rating: 9/10

I attained an ARC of this at Yallwest not even knowing what it was but OMG. This was an amazing read. Definitely a new favorite whose sequel I cannot wait to read.
The writing keeps you in the story quite well, it does need some grammatical editing that I would assume will be fixed in the final published version (EDIT: I have my finished copy and the errors have all been fixed!). I loved the multidimensional characters, the fun historical setting, and the twisting/keep- you-on-your-toes plot. Who doesn't love time travel, magic, thieves, and heists? Just go, go read this amazing not-so-little book.
If you want to enter the contest to win book related swag for The Last Magician and its upcoming sequel, The Devil's Thief, follow the link below!
#devilsthief #thelastmagician
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