Shadow Frost by Coco Ma
Title: Shadow Frost
Author: Coco Ma
Rating: 3/10
Would I reread it?: Hell to the No
I received an eARC of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.
Oh god this book draaaaaaaaaagged. I’m not the fastest reader, I usually do a 400 page book in a week, two if I’m busy. This book took me FOUR weeks to finish, and I wasn’t busy! There was nothing to really keep me coming back to the book, the plot was predictable and way too cliché. It reads like a high schooler wrote the book, and I suppose one did. There’s so many ridiculous lines I’ve heard in colloquial speech that somehow ended up in this medieval fantasy book that I had to read some aloud to my bf for the ridiculousness.
<b><i>”And then, just when Luna began to think the worst was finally over...”
“‘My magic—‘ But before he could finish his sentence...”
I see that the sentence wasn’t finished, you don’t need to explain that!
From the insta-love to the obvious (but surprise to the main character) villain I really had to push through to finish this book. The characters felt flat not to mention the lack of chemistry between any of the love interests. I even think the male/male relationship was thrown in last second to be a bit more modern.
I can’t really remember all the details in the first half of the book because it was sooo slow. I really had to push myself to finish this. I recommend not reading this book unless you like teenage clichés and ill written fantasies. It had good ideas that just didn’t get translated well. The bad formatting of the eARC didn’t event bother me, it was the content that did.
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